We're delighted to be playing again at the Oratoire now that the renovation work has finished. Come join us this Sunday (11th March) for an evening of prayer and worship! |
Hey everyone,
![]() Hey everyone, We are delighted to announce that in preparation of the October 1st day of prayer and worship in Geneva we will be partnering with Reviving Hope by hosting one of 10 worship evenings leading up to the event. So please join us this Friday at 8pm at Crossroads Church in Ferney Voltaire where we look forward to an evening of seeking after God together in song and prayer. For more information on the other worship nights leading up to Reviving Hope please visit www.hopegeneva.com Hey everyone,
Big news! We're super stoked to have been re-invited to play as one of the bands at the "Fête des Nations" (Festival of the Nations) taking place at the Aréna on June 13th. This event brings believers from all over the Geneva and neighboring France region together to pray and celebrate our God with music and dancing. So please spread the word and join us. More information and links to tickets for the all-day event can be found on the organizer's website at www.fetedesnations.ch and in the Events & Dates section of our site. Be blessed, BW This Tuesday we joined with the wonderful Zimkids team for an evening of prayer and worship in Mutoko in rural Zimbabwe. It was a great time for everyone involved, we were so blessed to see God moving with power over His people. BecomingWorship will be joining ZimKids to work with them and to have times worship in various venues in Zimbabwe (Harare) and South Africa (Pretoria) from the 7th to the 21st of September 2014. Watch this space for details.
![]() William Temple, was Archbishop of Canterbury (1942–1944). He wrote the following on Worship... ‘Worship is a submission of all our nature to God. It is the quickening of conscience by his holiness; the nourishment of mind with his truth; the purifying of imagination by his beauty; the opening of the heart to his love; the surrender of will to his purpose – and all this gathered up in adoration.’ Worship saves us from being self-centred and makes us God-centred. You were created to live in a relationship with God. That should be your number one priority. If you put God first in your life all kinds of blessings follow. Because God loves you he warns you of the dangers of disregarding the design for your life. It is our honor and our pleasure to announce that BecomingWorship will be partnering with the Festival of Nations on the 15th of June at the Aréna de Genève.
The Festival of Nations ("Fête des Nations") is a day of celebration for all the local and international churches of the greater Geneva area to get together to praise, to worship and to pray together. Click here to find out more. ![]() O What A Night The night started like any other. A few people gathered with expectant hearts to worship God. These gatherings have been happening since 2008. Born out of a desire for a time of extended corporate worship, without the time constraints of Sunday services, these evenings continue to inspire and revive and refresh. And with each passing event, the hunger for more of God, more of His love, power – more of heaven here on earth – increases. Each member of Becoming Worship is on a journey to know God better and express it in worship. Every person that comes to these events is also hungry for an experience or encounter with God. And with all the busyness, trials and plain –life happening, how better to download from the LORD than with brothers and sisters. We sense that the time has come for the church to arise and take her place in history. To raise up one voice in praise and adoration to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. An army of worshippers gathering behind the Captain of the Hosts, to take back the land and the souls that belong to the Father. To hunger, to seek – and to find and be filled with the love and goodness of the One and Only. To prepare - as the Bride for her Groom. To love and be loved. To bloom and blossom and flourish…here as it is in heaven… And so with open and expectant hearts we gather. Gathered. The band had met and practiced. Prayers and supplications had been made. The day was here. They took their place at the front. And opened with an invitation to seek first the Kingdom of God – and all these things will be added unto us. To ask, seek and knock – and we would be given, we would find, and the door would be opened unto us. The living words of Jesus – how better to stir up hope? The intercessors raised their banners and took their place at the back – hemming God’s beloved in – behind and before. And the dance began. Heaven looked down and smiled. Indeed two or more were gathered in His Name – where else would HE rather be? It has been said that God is the most emotional Being ever. And from the range of emotions felt that evening, I have indeed no doubt that HE is. Peace reigned. There was a sense that we were loved, and pursued relentlessly… A passion arising for the Name of Jesus… A hunger for the touch of God and then wonder, adoration and awe as indeed HE responded… A time to fight and declare total annihilation of Satan’s plans as we declared we would change the world… And of course, heartbreak for the sons and daughters who are yet to come home to Papa. Hearts receiving healing, and letting go of weights they had been carrying…. The air was super charged and the dynamics of the music enhanced the atmosphere all the more. Different worship leaders brought their amazing and complementary anointing and gifting to lead the congregation at different points. Our God is indeed creative. A lover of diversity. A number of people who have attended various BW nights said this was the best night so far. And our hearts cry – More LORD! More of YOU!! More anointing, power, presence – More!!! We have tasted and seen that You are good – and we want more!!! We become what we behold. As we worship our God, the lover of our souls, may we indeed become more like Him!! To the Glory and Honor of the Name of Jesus!! M. |
March 2018
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